all postcodes in L2 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L2 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L2 7LA 4 53.405822 -2.990899
L2 7LQ 2 53.405662 -2.990745
L2 7LS 3 53.405614 -2.991195
L2 7LX 0 53.405266 -2.990781
L2 7NB 1 53.405458 -2.991372
L2 7NE 0 53.405162 -2.991395
L2 7NT 1 53.405458 -2.991538
L2 7NU 1 53.404924 -2.990938
L2 7NX 0 53.40474 -2.99134
L2 7PQ 4 53.404942 -2.991932
L2 7QB 3 53.405599 -2.991812
L2 7RB 1 53.405599 -2.991812
L2 7QH 0 53.405599 -2.991812
L2 7QS 1 53.405599 -2.991812
L2 7ZH 11 11 53.404358 -2.990865
L2 7SR 2 53.404073 -2.991641